This year marks a historic milestone for the global environmental community. It marks 50 years since the 1972 @UN Conference on the Human Environment, the first international meeting on the environment.
On June 5th, we celebrated World Environment Day, and on June 8th we honour our seas for World Ocean Day. In the wave of all these special days, it is a good time to reflect on the role we all play in environmental sustainability. There is #OnlyOneEarth 🌍 so protecting it is a global challenge and responsibility. We have the solutions, knowledge and technology to limit climate change and avoid ecological collapse, but we need to act collectively. These days mobilise and unite the world's population and call for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.
What action will you take to protect and restore our only home 🌍 ?
Sustainabl. Planet aims to promote the urgent challenges associated with mismanaged plastic waste on the climate by kickstarting Sustainabl. 's circular economy approach. We supply responsibly sourced, plastic-free, home compostable and recyclable packaging solutions. Sustainabl. 's materials are optimised to have a low impact on the environment, minimising waste and eliminating the use of virgin materials.
World Leaders are on a mission to limit the average rise in global temperatures to 2C above pre-industrial levels and to try to keep the increase below 1.5C. This target has been adopted by almost every nation on earth.
The pace of government activity has accelerated quickly. In 2019 the UK, New Zealand and France made laws to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, and Sweden has given itself a goal of 2045. In 2020 China, Japan and South Korea made similar promises, although their targets have yet to become law. And last year Hong Kong its Climate Action Plan 2050 setting out the vision of "Zero-carbon Emissions‧Liveable City‧Sustainable Development", and outlining the strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality.
However, it is not just governments that need to take action. Businesses that do not adapt will be at risk, while those that embrace change will see greater opportunities. Dr Bell describes climate change as "the greatest economic transformation in our lifetime because it impacts on every single industry sector. Nobody's immune". Andy Howard, head of sustainable investment at Schroders, the investment manager, agrees. "[Given] the scale of disruption we are talking about, there won't be any easy wins," he says.
Our packaging is one small (but important) way to make the world a cleaner, healthier place for all. Ditch the plastic and hard PLA and make the switch today!