Once upon a time, in a land (not too) far away… a little sugarcane sprout got taller every day. Growing strong in rich & fertile soil, the plant was happy, and now it was ready- ahem, sorry this is getting a bit sappy…
When wheat is milled or sugarcane is pressed, a fibrous plant residue remains. This byproduct is called bagasse, a fibrous pulp which up until recently went to waste. We've taken that trash and turned it into treasure! We take the bagasse and pulp it, pour it into moulds and then bake it. This wonder-material birthed our Refibr. products.
Not only does our Refibr. employ a trash-to-treasure, a truly sustainable approach to production, but they’re planet & health safe. Our Refibr. products are 100% plastic and PLA free, meaning they are home compostable and/or recyclable as paper.
This is a waste management method that conserves raw materials, and extend the life of that very special sugarcane plant. Instead of adding further waste to landfills, the sugarcane byproduct is turned into a product with a new life- and kept within the economy. These can be productively used again and again, an innovative way of assigning new value to bagasse!

Once the Refibr. is recycled, the paper pulp can be used to make new paper products like toilet paper or tissue. Even better, if you compost at home, since our product is made of materials classed as organic waste, it will break down into a valuable fertiliser over time. The end result, can be added to soil to help plants grow. And voila, our story of a sprouting little plant starts again...